TEDER.FM - ★ Hafla-Teder with Trifonas ★


★ Hafla-Teder with Trifonas ★

When it's finally getting pleasant outside,

and in just few moments the humidity and heat will fade away,

than the mood commands it:

Hafla-Teder is back!

On saturday the 29.9

we give the Tzatziki and the Bouzouki their respect,

switch the Arak with Ouzo, at least for one day,

and kick it greek style, 

because Trifonas is coming to Beit-Romano!


Trifonas Nikolaidis was born in the neighboring cyprus,

and started playing the Bouzouki at the age of 11.

in the 60's and the 70's he zigzaged between Greece and Israel,

and performed none-stop in Tel-Aviv and Jaffa

while taking over the night-clubs and schooling them,

and bombarding the local radio station with constant hits.

At the 80's he moved to the US by the personal requast of Aris San,

and played with the Alpha Music Orchestra group all over the continent.

As the years past, between visits and shows in Israel,

Trifonas became a local, and today he lives and perform in the countryregularly.


Along with Trifonas, will carve out the middle-eastren spicey vibes from the booth - 

Before - Zach Bar || After - Chen Elimelech



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